
Capability Workouts

Building teams capabilities from classroom to on the job training and supported by our virtual coach's. Tailored delivery from e-learnings, face to face and virtual support.
Foundation and Capable in subjects certification

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Product & Activity Planning


Fundamentals of product segmentation, life cycle management, new product introduction, promotions and event planning 


Applying new product introduction, life cycle modelling and promotional forecasting techniques. Understanding the drivers and improvement techniques 

Forecasting & Demand Planning


Principles of forecasting, baseline planning, demand plan generation, incorporating activity and demand validation


Demand setup & configuration, forecast-ability, stat models, cleansing techniques and evaluating activity plans. Understanding the forecast & demand error drivers and improvement technique

Inventory & Supply Planning


Inventory classification, master scheduling, capacity 
& materials planning and 
production scheduling. Demand supply reconciliation


Optimising inventory, production cycles, rough cut capacity planning and distribution planning. Understand the conformance to plan with supply failures and improvement technique

Sales & Operations Decision Planning

Operating S&OP

Introduction to S&OP, process steps, roles & responsibilities, measures and key enablers

Implementing S&OP 

How to engage the business, design ways of working, financial integration and change management

Leading S&OP

10 key enablers and behaviors required to lead S&OP
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